When Average Fails: Bimodal Distributions

Probably the most common statistic that people deal with is the average, which can often be a good approximation of the typical or general case. However, there are many cases where the average fails, and the most extreme example I’ve seen in recent data is lawyers’ salary distributions. The NALP has been publishing salary distributions … Read more

Student Data Analysis Contest

Along with SDSU and Teradata, the San Diego Regional Data Library is running a data analysis contest for San Diego area High School and College students. The contest starts February 28. Top prize is $1200. For complete details and to register, see the contest announcement page.  

SDSU Datathon

Solve Social Problems for $2,700 in Prizes The San Diego Regional Data Library, the SDSU Society for Statisticians and Actuaries and Teradata are organizing a data analysis contest to aid nonprofits, journalists and government agencies in making better use of data, develop a broader regional capacity for data analysis, and introduce students interested in data … Read more

Little Data is a Big Idea

Even little data, such as  a list of crime incidents, locations of bus stops, or population growth estimates, is a big idea, at least according to San Diego magazine’s 25 BIG Ideas.

Data Analysis For Your Mission

Sponsor a Project in Our Student Data Analysis Contest Give your nonprofit, agency or news organization valuable data-driven insights by sponsoring a project at our student data analysis contest.  The San Diego Regional Data Library, the SDSU Society for Statisticians and Actuaries and Teradata are organizing a data analysis contest to aid nonprofits, journalists and government agencies in making … Read more

When Will Data.gov be Useful?

Data.gov is the top level data search system for the US, with references to over 130,000 datasets from federal and state agencies. And yet, I’ve never successfully used it for finding data. Here is an example search for “Diabetes Rates”:   So, we look for diabetes, and get births, 22 year old mortality data from … Read more

Tableau Workbook for SWITRS

Here is the Tableau workbook that we’ll be using for the SPJ Hacks/Hackers Data Show event tonight. You can also get links to all of the documentation from our data warehouse.

Student Data Analysis Contest

Give your nonprofit, agency or news organization valuable data-driven insights by sponsoring a project at our student data analysis contest.  The San Diego Regional Data Library, the SDSU Society for Statisticians and Actuaries and Teradata are organizing a data analysis contest to aid nonprofits, journalists and government agencies in making better use of data, develop a broader regional … Read more

Veterans Density by County

Voice of San Diego has published a story we supported, a fact-check about the density of veterans in San Diego County. You can get all of the data behind the story — including schemas and SQL queries ! — in our data warehouse.