Today we are releasing the processed version of six years of San Diego County crime data. We received this data last month from SANDAG, and have augmented the source data with city and and neighborhood codes. The data is released as both CSV and ESRI Shape files with one file per year. To download the data, visit our data repository. Be sure to read the documentation by expanding the pull-down bar at the top of the page.
The improvements of this dataset over the original SANDAG data release include:
- The crime incidents are geocoded.
- Incidents are marked with the city, based on SANGIS municipal boundaries.
- In the city of San Diego, incidents are marked with the neighborhood, community planning area and city council district.
- Dates and times are broken into components for easier analysis in Excel.
- The data is distributed as ESRI shape files so it can be analyzed in GIS tools.
Since this is crime data, there are many gotchas, issues and caveats, as well as limitations of warranty and liability from the Library, SANDAG and SANGIS. Be sure to read the documentation on the repository page for details.
If you have any questions, or discover an issue with the release, please contact me, Eric Busboom, at