Fight Crime with Data

Citizens of any skill level are invited to help us analyze crime in San Diego neighborhoods. Use your knowledge of the community or technical skill to create maps, discover anomalies, and better understand the causes and solutions to crime in San Diego. 

Come to the Kickoff meeting by signing up at

Crime is always a top issue for any community, but San Diego residents, town councils and  community planning groups seldom see neighborhood analysis of where crime occur, and less frequently get analysis of how crime relates to factors such as street lighting, traffic, housing, or alcohol.

In this project we will collect data from the city, state and private organizations to create a range of maps and statistics that explain where crime is occurring and what factors are involved in increases or decreases in crime.

This project needs your help, regardless of your skills or skill level. You can participate as a non technical community activist, Excel jockey, GIS expert, beginning programmer or experienced statistician.

Want to know more?

This will be a very interesting project, hope you can join us.